Redevelopment Services


Where public sector entities have chosen to establish a defined Area in Need of Redevelopment within a specific jurisdiction, and with that a corresponding option to choose their construction partner through technical based selection criteria, Epic offers either Design – Build or CM/Risk services. Alternatively, we are also poised to provide Construction Management Advisory services based on our significant resume of a wide variety of project types typical of public sector requirements. As alternatives continue to evolve with respect to addressing specific capital needs via creative funding mechanisms, Epic is poised to support public sector Owners / Clients via our experience in redeveloper based delivery models.

Epic offers a diverse resume of related project experiences that makes our organization the most qualified choice to serve our Client’s needs during each redevelopment opportunity.

• Lessons learned with regard to preconstruction insights and with respect to tailored and job specific general conditions and clear bid documents

• Extensive experience with sustainable construction practices through participation in Platinum, Gold and Silver certified LEED public sector projects

• Thorough knowledge of nuances of public sector contractors with respect to preparation of well-crafted and complete documents and proactive construction phase oversight and documentation

We are highly qualified and appropriately experienced to provide proactive, communication driven management oversight. Our focus, experience, and proposed staff offer significant lessons learned in the preconstruction planning, construction and closeout processes.

Providing solutions from pre-construction to closeout.

Epic Management, Inc. has been an integral participant in thousands of projects since 1971. We look forward to bringing our hands on, roll-up-our sleeves work ethic to your next opportunity. Contact us today to get started.

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