Gloucester County Family Court & Parking Garage

Gloucester County, NJ

Public Use

Client: Gloucester County Improvement Authority

Project: Family Court & Parking Garage

Epic’s Role: Construction Manager/ Advisor

Construction Costs: $14 million

Project Scope: Epic provided Construction Management Services for the 1999-2001 2000 Gloucester County Courthouse addition and renovations. The project included the demolition of an existing three story building, 44,000 sf of new construction and 4,600 sf of renovation of an adjacent structure which connects to the new construction.

Project Highlights: The courthouse includes five courtrooms with associated judge’s chambers and administrative spaces, secured detention areas within the building, and a secured vehicle sally port.

Key Elements: A secured, central security office is included which allows for monitoring of the courthouse interior, vehicle sally port, and adjacent parking garage.


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Epic Management, Inc. has been an integral participant in thousands of projects since 1971. We look forward to bringing our hands on, roll-up-our sleeves work ethic to your next opportunity. Contact us today to get started.

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