Rowan University – Science Hall

Glassboro, NJ


Client: Rowan University

Project: New Science Hall

Epic’s Role: General Contractor

Construction Costs: $35.1 million

Three-story, 150,000 square-foot facility housing the Biological Sciences and Chemistry and Physics departments, each on its own floor.  The building includes a fully equipped laser laboratory as well as state-of-the-art laboratories for the study of material, biochemistry, mycology, botany, environmental biology and other disciplines.  There is a greenhouse located on the roof for use by undergraduate and graduate students in environmental studies programs. A planetarium and rooftop observation deck are focal points of the facility.  A 16-inch telescope housed in a rooftop dome feeds live celestial images to the planetarium’s screen as well as to an internet site.


About the Building:

Smart classrooms and 49 teaching and research labs.

Four general purpose classrooms and two seminar rooms for faculty and guest lectures.

Computer labs, high-tech instrument rooms and prep rooms dedicated to each discipline.


About the Observatory and Planetarium:

  • Planetarium seating for 102 and a venue for small shows and lectures
  • Research-grade equipment for planetarium programs and education
  • DFM 0.4-meter (16-inch) classical Cassegrain telescope along a suite of three CCD cameras and a spectrograph
  • A 7.5-foot radio telescope and 12 smaller telescopes ideal for student research and community outreach programs
  • Live feed of celestial images to the Edelman Planetarium’s screen and internet site
Rowan University - Science and Math Building
Rowan University - Science and Math Building

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